My vision
Where do we go from here ?
Crises have a purpose. They highlight the flaws in our conduct and so they come with great opportunities to learn and grow. Considering the multitude of crises we face today, it must mean that we live in a time of tremendous opportunity! I certainly believe we are and that we were born into this age to live up to the challenges of our time. We are not facing an era of change but a changing of era’s. Our world is going through a huge transformational shift, moving into unknown territory. We are only witnessing the beginning of this shift and to align with the emerging new reality there is an undeniable demand to decondition and reinvent ourselves. No quick fixes but doing things truly different and more importantly, being different. Smart solutions are no longer enough. We need wise solutions and above all wise leaders.
We can do better. We have to do better!
As we are part of a pivotal generation, we have the opportunity and duty to set things straight for the next generations. Ultimately we have all the answers and knowledge we need to regenerate and redesign the way we live, work and co exist. We have just been systematically conditioned and blindsided by an ego centric, linear and transaction based system. As a leader you may have ticked all the boxes and done well according to your dashboards and criteria for success, yet these criteria likely never represented the full picture. Now is the opportunity to deepen your capacity in accord with the demands of our times, pioneering a new course for future generations, a course that is eco centric, circular and value based.
The yardstick for good leadership has drastically changed since you last checked
Leaders who think that a path of purposeful and sustainable conduct is a ‘nice to have’, something that can be done on the side, are missing the point and are increasingly becoming a liability to their stake and shareholders. There is no time to waste in adjusting the way we lead: Incorporating the bigger picture in all we do, unlocking the strength and power in the interconnectedness of our entire ecosystem; leading from our authentic inner wisdom, evolving into the wise leaders the world is crying out for.
Let’s be clear about your ‘why’
Your drive to rethink and reset your leadership - and that of your team - should not just come from the moral obligation you feel. It is also simply common business sense. Authentic wisdom based leadership is the most crucial step towards continuity in these unprecedented times. Planning has to make way for a process of co-creation in order to truly unleash the human potential and resilience in your community. I have seen how it positively impacts organisations on all levels, from organisational culture to innovative capacity, from talent retention and employee satisfaction to the bottom line.
George Kabalt (CEO Porticus)
"When I met Rolf it was clear to me: ‘he knows’. Didn’t know exactly what but it felt that he could help me find my own path. Joining him on a Leadership Journey in the wilderness in Upper Michigan proved to be a life changing experience. In an authentic, caring and honest way he taught me to be who I am and what the true meaning of life entails.”