
What I offer

If you are on a quest to elevate your leadership and that of your team, ready to be challenged and become fit for the emerging new reality, please email me your (re)quest. We will see if there is a fit and if so in what capacity I can assist you, be it through executive coaching, a leadership team retreat (team reset’) and/or real time boardroom coaching.

Beyond that I offer interventions for larger groups like Master Classes in Wisdom-based Leadership or bespoke Key Notes on topics around Leadership, Company Culture, Resilience, Leading Change in a Post-Covid World or related topics. In case you are interested in a deep immersive Wilderness Journey, please let us know as I do not advertise but there might be availability on one of the Journeys I facilitate.

Imaginal Cells

Wise Leaders stands for transformational leadership, rooted in wisdom and authenticity as laid out on this website. To guard my own originality and the free spirit in my approach, I have consciously chosen not to build an organisation. Instead I have chosen to work as an imaginal cell, embracing the new emerging reality where hierarchical structures give way to cellular-based structures, mirroring nature. This way I’m free to chose to work solitary or to collaborate with one of my amazing fellow guides. I prize myself lucky with the incredible network of talented imaginal cells I am surrounded with and the ‘clusters’ in which I serve and co-create.

Honours student - Masters program at RSM Erasmus University:

“Rolf Winters is the one, out of all the lecturers, who gave us the most hands-on leadership guidance.  His master class completed my transformation to become more aware of my capabilities. It taught me that it is important to have contact with your internal self.  His message was the most important one of all the sessions: follow your own path instead of someone else’s.”


Claire Boonstra – Founder & CEO Operation Education:

“Rolf's Leadership Masterclass is very often reflected upon as a 'key moment' in the change process of the participants in our year program ‘Expedition Leadership’ for educational leaders. I am deeply honoured and grateful to be able to cooperate with him on our shared journey towards education and leadership that generates individual, societal and planetary wellbeing.”